I take a lot of pictures, probably too many. But each has the shared DNA of portraying a moment that captivated me, for some reason or another. The way I see it, there are 4 kinds of pictures. The objectively bad or dull ones (no one likes these), the missed shots where the finger hit the shutter release at just the wrong time (these are the worst - the lighting could be perfect, the setting supreme, but the framing or timing is ever so slightly off), the aesthetically pleasing pictures that are easy on the eye and universally beautiful (like a sunset) and then finally the pictures that seem to embody an entire universe within its multitude of intertwined stories. Those pictures, those microcosms, those moments worth more than a thousand words could ever describe – those are why I love photography.
These captured samples of life inspire me to see the world from a different view. The desperation a homeless person endures is amplified when you have time to observe the details of their facial expression, just as much as the joy from a smiling couple laughing as they wander the streets. I want my photography to embody the stories of people who walk all paths of life, capturing moments frozen in time yet always changing in perspective. From the gold paved roads to the dilapidated trails, welcome to my world.