
Havana Gossip

Havana is a city full of surprises. The poverty is evident as you walk through the streets riddled with houses wearing nothing but rubble for walls. But something about this Caribbean island captivates the mind in a way I had never experienced before. It is no wonder Ernest Hemingway lived in Cuba for over 20 years, a place which he eventually called Home.

The people have so little yet live so much. Dancing, singing, and laughing to the rhythm of Chan Chan and other Buena Vista Social Club hits echoing throughout the streets. The music flows through the valleys of Cuba like blood flows in the human body. Is it a part of their existence, of who they are. No matter the lack of ownership and material possessions their government imposes, all they seem to need is their friends, their family, and maybe a little bit of Havana Rum to go with it. All in the name of El Che!

In Havana, street vendors populate each block like subway stations in New York City. From fresh fruit, to 10¢ pizza, to suspicious red meat, these ambulant corner stores seem to be a staple to the Cubans way of life. Just outside of the casa particulare my family and I were staying in, three women sat in the blazing sun, seemingly unbothered by the insufferable heat. In true Cuban fashion, they were offering cigars, cigarettes, and eggs to the errant passerby. 

What captures my eye is the ambiguity of the scene. The empty chair sitting idle - was someone else sitting there? The distant yet focused look of the women sitting on the stairs - is she looking for prospective buyers or waiting for the chair’s occupant to return? The juicy gossip exchange that seems to be unfolding between the two other ladies, almost making it seem like the third women is annoyed at the trivial nature of their conversation. All of these elements come together to form a beautiful microcosm of Havana which metamorphoses with the viewer’s perspective. One could take this image and come up with any sort of story behind the arrangement of characters. and their backstories. So for this one, I will let your imagination run wild and decide on the picture’s unique universe.